Which video editing software are you currently using?
Pinnacle Certified Trainer
Pinnacle Certified Trainer
Do you think Liquid has a brighter future under Pinnacle division?
My take on Avid shifting Liquid back to Pinnacle
Personally, I find that it's good news for Liquid.
Xpress & Media Composer do not stand a chance against Final Cut, Premiere or even Vegas. Liquid is actually the best contender against other NLE in this category & especially in this price range.
However, the biggest issue was that the Avid's management did not get the message. After the merger, Liquid came under an Avid guy who is also the product manager for Xpress & Media Composer based in Singapore ( no name mentioned but we all know who he is ). He is not interested in Liquid at all, his product knowledge on Liquid was worse than my receptionist in the office. Liquid was obviously not given any chances.
Hence by giving Liquid back to Pinnacle, I really hope that the Pinnacle engineers in Germany can do a much better job & prove to the Avid guys that Liquid is a much better product than Xpress & generate more sales than Xpress.
Well, only time will tell......
Mission Ispossible
Being the only certified Liquid trainer in NZ, I'll take the lead by starting this blog, I'll try to put as much information as possible on this Blog. There will be reviews, articles from NZVN, updates & whitepaper from Avid & anything which is related to Liquid.
With the launch of Edius Neo in Aug 2007, I'm getting very positive responses from our users in NZ. Lying in the $300 range, Edius Neo serves to be the ultimate replacement for Pinnacle & Ulead users who are looking for a more professional & stable editing platform. As for the big brother Edius, it is already used by Sky, Rhema Broadcasting Group, Shine TV, FTN, CTV, Nzone extreme...etc for their day to day production.
Hence with both user groups growing rapidly, I'll start putting updates & info for both Liquid & Edius on this blog. However, the success of this forum will still depend on the interactions, feedbacks & supports from our local users here in NZ.
I'll like to thank those of you who had taken your time to email me & provide me with feedbacks & encouragements.
Thanks again.
Avid Liquid in NZ
I'm taking this opportunity to thank our users here in NZ for giving me the support all this years. Avid Liquid has grown from a totally new editing application to become one of the main stream application in 3 years time. According to Avid, there are at least 300,000 commercial & broadcast installations worldwide. According to my database, there are more than 200 Liquid users who had registered with us & this pool is still growing strongly.
Furthermore, with Liquid being deployed in big establishments like TVNZ, Auckland University, Unitec, NZ Royal Airforce & schools. I am confident that the number of people who had used Liquid on a day to day basis far exceed the number that I got in my database.
Hence, I'm looking forward to all your participation.
Thank you all once again!
Posting on this Blog
If you have any interesting findings, comments, advice, tips & tricks related to Liquid & are happy to contribute to this forum, please email me at nelsonng99@hotmail.com & I'll try to put it on the blog asap. Please take note that I'll also put your name & email at the top of the posting so that other users are aware of your contributions.